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ourists in Vietnam travel can understand more about the culture of Cham ethnic group through their traditional wedding ceremony.

According to Vietnamese tradition, wedding is one of three most important things to do all one’s life. Because of the diversity in culture of 54 different ethnic minority groups living in Vietnam, wedding ceremonies are also held differently in different ethnic groups. And Cham people, one of Vietnam ethnic groups, have wedding ceremonies held in a special way.
Tourists in Vietnam travel can understand more about the culture of Cham ethnic group through their traditional wedding ceremony.
The photos taken below show that a number of unique rituals and customs are still practiced at a traditional wedding ceremony of Cham people.
Cham ethnic wedding ceremony
When young Cham people reach adulthood, man’s parents will ask one of their family members to propose the date of marriage to the chosen bride’s family. If the proposal is accepted, the bridegroom’s family will organise a ceremony to confirm that the couple is married. During the days the bridegroom’s family will carry gifts in pottery pots to the bride’s family.
Cham ethnic wedding ceremony
The beautifully made-up bride will wear a traditional long red silk dress. Her hair and ears will be
decorated with flowers and brooches.
Cham ethnic wedding ceremony
The wedding ceremony lasts in three days. On the first day the two families often make three kinds
of cakes, including Ha Bum, Tapaikagah and Gti Kling, and cook the beef curry for the wedding.

Cham ethnic wedding ceremony
On the second day, representatives of the two families pray for the bride and groom’s double happiness.
Cham ethnic wedding ceremony
Cham ethnic wedding ceremony
Cham ethnic wedding ceremony
On the last day, the bridegroom’s family go to the bride’s family to hand over the gifts
and then pray for the young couple.
Cham ethnic wedding ceremony
The bridegroom will be led to the bride’s room where he will lift the bride’s veil and point his
finger to her forehead to show that he wants to marry her.

Cham ethnic wedding ceremony
After that, the bride will give her groom some small gifts for daily use.
Cham ethnic wedding ceremony
After the wedding, the bridegroom will stay in the bride’s family home for three nights the he will either stay
at his wife’s house or the couple will live with his family, depending on the decision of the two families.
Cham ethnic wedding ceremony
The wedding feast given by the bride’s family includes rice and beef curry to be served along
 with Ha Bum, Tapaikagah and Gti Kling cakes and tea.
Source: VO

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